Rack Star Athletics info
OUR classes
Strength and Conditioning
Strength is never weakness and weakness is never a strength. Our goal is to improve your overall work capacity, through quantifiable improvements across several objective categories so we can track and manage progress so that it aligns perfectly with your individual goals.
Personal Training
Our one on one personal training matches you with a coach who will dive deep into your needs and goals before designing a focused and well rounded custom plan to help you achieve those goals.
Nutrition GPS
If you are struggling with getting your nutrition on track, a qualified coach will work with you one on one to first figure out why, then design a custom plan to fix it. There is NO one size fits all approach in nutrition and designing something that works for YOU is one of the most important tasks we have as coaches.
Virtual Training
We offer several programs, designed over years of practice, for you to be able to get results on your own time and in the place you feel most comfortable. Not ready to get back in the gym just yet? We’ve got you covered. Everything from bodyweight to full set up we’ve got a program to get you where you want to go.
day 1
Increased brain functions and boosted mood
week 1
Improved energy and better health
month 1
month 3
month 6
Compliments from friends/family & a healthier, more efficient heart
1 year
Increased life expectancy, better bone density and mental heath
Membership Options
Unlimited Classes
Membership includes:
Unlimited access to all Strength and Conditioning Classes
Two InBody Scans per Month
Private Members Page
Custom Workout and Performance Tracking
Level Method App and Unlimited Usage
3 Classes / Week
Membership includes:
3 Strength and Conditioning Classes per Week
Private Members Page
Custom Workout and Performance Tracking
Level Method App
Punch Card - 10 Classes
Membership includes:
10 Classes – Expires After 6 Months
Private Members Page
Custom Workout and Performance Tracking
Level Method App and Unlimited Usage
We have a fitness solution for every budget. If you’re interested in learning more about all our pricing options, click the button.